Welcome to X-Tracker!

Dive into the realm of transparent analytics with X-Tracker, an upcoming community-driven platform dedicated to tracking and visualizing Twitter engagements in real time.

Why X-Tracker?

Transparency and Accountability:

  • Uncover real-time statistics on tweet engagements.
  • Shed light on potential manipulations like shadow-banning and like-removals.
  • Verify claims of Twitter interactions with data.

Public Awareness:

  • Stay informed about the popularity and reach of trending tweets.
  • Track and compare engagements on multiple tweets.
  • Contribute by tracking tweets you're interested in.

How It Will Work:

  1. User-Driven Tracking:

    Users will be able to contribute by tracking tweets they are interested in.

    Utilize a simple Tampermonkey script to start tracking right from your browser.

  2. Real-Time Updates:

    X-Tracker will update engagement metrics in real time.

    Visualize likes, retweets, comments, and more on interactive charts.

  3. Community Engagement:

    Share interesting findings with the community.

    Explore and compare metrics on a variety of tweets.

Coming Soon:

  • User accounts for personalized tracking and notifications.
  • Enhanced analytics with more metrics and comparison features.
  • Community forums for discussions and insights sharing.

Stay tuned