

We’ve canceled $127 billion in student debt for nearly 3.6 million Americans. It’s a big deal.You are insane and someone need to tell you we all noticed. Americans have been killed and kidnapped in Israel and there you go again talking about stupid shit no one cares about.So all of these possible terrorists who’s crossed the border is no big deal but you wasting tax money is.No, you took money from one group of people to pay off the loans of another group of people. That's MarxismI’m a capitalist. If you can make a billion dollars, go get it. Just pay a little more in taxes. It’s time billionaires pay a 25% minimum tax.Complicit?! Weakness?! Haven’t you and your GOP colleagues stalled the votes for many of our ambassadors for the region including Israel?! Haven’t you and your colleagues allowed Tuberville to continue to block the promotions of key American military officials?! You haven’t…Biden’s weakness invited the attack. Biden’s negotiation funded the attack. Biden admin wanted Israel to stand down after the attack. At this point, Biden is complicit.Friends, as the sun gets set to rise on the Holy Land & I cross into Israel, my head is in the story, but my heart is with the beleaguered and long-suffering people of Israel, Palestine and Gaza, who yearn for & deserve lives of peace. If you pray, pray for for all of themGeneral Milley on 60 minutes saying he was in a pact with Secretary Esper to make sure trump didn’t politicize the military. I don’t think people fully understand what heroes these guys are.Jen Psaki stops Rep. Mike Lawler while he is using an inaccurate characterization of $6 billion, "What you just stated is inaccurate, the funding, congressman, the funding does not go to Iranian hands. It goes to approved third-party vendors who provide humanitarian support."Sorry to do this, but f*ck you, Tim Scott. Every word of this is a lie. You are a truly unwell, sick, despicable, & evil person for Tweeting this. We both know full well President Biden has NOTHING to do with this. We will never forget this. We will make you find out.You’re not just stupid. You’re a liar.As we watch this horrible situation in Israel unfold, Americans must face a stark truth: our tax dollars funded this. Money is fungible, and many of the dollars we sent to Iran are being used to now kill innocent people. This must stop. Israel has every right to defend…Concerned about our loss of bees, Morgan Freeman converted his 124-acre Mississippi ranch into a bee refuge. He’s hired a gardener, filled acres with clover, planted hundreds of flowering trees, purchased 26 hives, and has turned himself into a bee keeper.Since Nancy Mace said today she didn’t know anything about this, and since Jim Jordan appears to be lining up the votes for Speaker, this was the Captain of his wrestling team begging the OH legislature to extend the statute of limitations because of his coverup but they refused.One year ago, former Ohio State wrestling captain Adam DiSabato testified to the Ohio House that Jim Jordan “called me crying, begging me for half an hour” to cover up hundreds of sex abuse allegations in the program he was coaching. The clip.In the hour since I posted this I have lost 2,000 followers. This site is completely broken. The best way to stay informed about my work and democracy in the courts is to sign up for free. http://democracydocket.com/me-subscribe/A good time to remind people why I fight so hard in court for democracy and why I won't stop. https://newyorker.com/news/persons-of-interest/the-first-defense-against-trumps-assault-on-democracy…Well. Nikki’s 15 minutes are up.Nikki Haley indicates she doesn't view Trump's suggestion that Joint Chiefs Chairman Milley should be executed as disqualifyingRepublicans: —Are holding up the nominee for ambassador to Israel —Are holding up over 300 military officials. —Don’t even have a Speaker, meaning the House is stalled They are causing chaos.Instagram vs real life… with our newest Democracy Dog — Winston! Happy birthday to my beautiful beloved wife Franni. Still 4 1/2 months younger than me as when we met 54 years ago!


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